A kitchen cleanup day is scheduled for Saturday, January 13, and you can help! You won’t need to be there the entire time. If you can give us a few hours between 9 am and 2 pm, your help will be appreciated. Please bring cleaning gloves if you have them since we will be cleaning cabinets. We will be removing the contents of the cabinets to sort and organize everything in the kitchen. A variety of tasks will be involved so there is something for everyone who wants to help.
Angela Henderson is bringing sandwiches for lunch for those who will be working in the kitchen for a few hours.
Our unit of United Women in Faith has taken on the task of organizing and maintaining the Grace kitchen. The unit is working on guidelines for those who use the kitchen. Eventually all equipment will have instructions for each item.
Just like in any family, each member of our church family needs to pitch in to keep our kitchen in tiptop shape. Please wash, sanitize, and put away anything you use in the kitchen as soon as you are finished with it. Please label everything you put in the refrigerator with your name and the date it was placed in the refrigerator. The refrigerator will be cleaned out weekly and your food might not be there when you come and get it if you don’t leave an appropriate note on it.
The Grace kitchen is a great asset. It allows us to gather around the table together. And it allows us to reach out to our community with love and food.
We hope to see you at our first kitchen cleanup day!
If you would like to see other fun things Grace UMC is doing, please visit our calendar page.