Have you ever heard someone say, “I’m spiritual; not religious”? Maybe you thought or said it yourself. What’s the difference between spirituality and religiosity? Pastor Tim explores the difference between faith and religion during this sermon series titled Losing Your Religion… To Find Your Faith.
Church doctrine can be cumbersome and uninviting especially to those who are not regular church goers. During this series we will discover that love is more important to Jesus than the rules.
As humans we crave rules, order, and boundaries, but the very rules we crave may keep us from forming a meaningful relationship with Jesus. The order, or rituals, of our Sunday morning services may make our visitors uncomfortable. And while putting up boundaries on our behavior might be good for us, they may also keep us from reaching out to show the true love of Christ to others.
These next few Sunday mornings will allow us to reflect on what it means to be religious. Must we dress, speak, and act a certain way? Do we have to believe in God exactly the way the person sitting beside us believes or the preacher believes? Do the events or restrictions spoken about in the Bible apply to my life today?
We will also reflect on our faith. What does it mean to have a relationship with Jesus Christ? How do we show His love to our friends and neighbors or people we pass on the street? Does Jesus love me and that other person I know to be a sinner? Wait, aren’t I a sinner too? Yet Jesus loves me. Do we need to follow the rules of religion to have a relationship with Jesus?
Join us Sunday mornings at 10 am to lose your religion, but find your faith!
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