Mission to Mexico

Rio Bravo information

Oklahoma Conference Volunteers in Mission is traveling to Rio Bravo Mexico October 15 to 19. This is a great opportunity to show the love of Christ and experience a culture different from your own. If you would like information you can talk to Susan Cleveland at church. She has experience with the Mano Juntas (Hands Together Ministry) organization. You can also contact Lori Foster at lfoster@okumc.org.

Oklahoma VIM visited this ministry recently and reported:

“Manos Juntas works to provide better housing, healthcare and educational opportunities for those in need: people who lack proper housing, access to schools, and health services affordable to the poor; and churches with unfinished buildings, no resources to improve their teachings and social services. Problems in the area include insufficient schools or school classrooms; schools with no facilities and/or resources for better teaching techniques; and shortage of places to teach job skills. By partnering with different institutions like churches, schools, Red Cross, Rotary clubs, local, state and federal government, Manos Juntas implements programs and activities to educate, inform and empower people to make better decisions for their daily living.”


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