Grace UMC is partnering with our neighbors First Christian Disciples of Christ for Trunk or Treat on Saturday, October 28 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Set up begins at 12:15. First Christian, 1010 N Florence, is located in the heart of a vibrant neighborhood so we are hoping for a lot of little trick or treaters. You can participate in a number of ways:
- donate candy;
- drive your car to the First Christian parking lot, set up a lawn chair next to your car, and hand out candy;
- decorate your car or dress in costume, sit in your lawn chair and pass out candy;
- decorate someone else’s car so they can sit in their lawn chair and pass out candy;
- bring a kid to collect candy
- just come out and support those who are passing out candy (if you are an adult, don’t expect to collect any candy – that’s just not right!)
- Any and all of the above as well as other possibilities we haven’t thought about.
As you can tell, you don’t have to be talented at decorating to participate. This is a fun event for kids in the neighborhood so come on out to support First Christian supporting the kids of the neighborhood.
If you have any questions, please contact Megan at 918-923-2062 or just show up and enjoy!
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