What is Lent – And how do we observe it?

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and lasts 40 days (not including Sundays) until the Saturday before Easter. The 40 days represent the days Jesus spent in the wilderness being tempted by Satan. Instead of giving into to temptation, Jesus found clarity and began his public ministry!
We observe Lent by giving up some of our temptations – like sweets, television, social media, and other things of the world. Instead of giving up something, some people choose to add spiritual practices to their lives – like more prayer, giving their time to help others, or reading a daily devotional. Whatever your choice, lent is a time to search yourself, reflect, and repent (turn to God). Lent is a time to simplify your life from daily clutter so you can focus on your relationship with God. The season prepares us to recognize the sacrificial love Jesus and his triumph over death on Easter.
After five weeks of searching our inner selves we arrive at Palm Sunday with Jesus triumphant ride into Jerusalem and the beginning of Holy Week. Just when things are looking up, the world comes crashing down around him and Jesus shares The Last Supper with his disciples (Maundy Thursday), gets arrested, beaten, and sentenced to die a humiliating death on the cross (Good Friday). Imagine that first Holy Saturday when Jesus lay in the cold tomb. Then imagine the amazing surprise on the first Easter Sunday when the resurrected Jesus appears to those who believe.
Lent prepares us for the ups and downs of that last week. We must search ourselves to understand the miracle of the resurrection and the gift of everlasting life.
Below are some links for Lenten resources you might enjoy:
A Lenten calendar from United Methodist Higher Education Foundation.